Summer is here and that means our annual conference is around the corner. Your conference committee has sent out a survey to better understand how a conference can exist this coming fall. They will be making some suggestions to present to the State Board in the next couple of weeks. I appreciate everyone's understanding during these trying times. It certainly has not been easy trying to plan a conference with so many unknowns. I am optimistic for in person interaction come this fall. Until then I hope everyone is taking some much needed time off this summer. If you don't have any plans I urge you to take a few days and have a staycation in your community. Who knows you may discover a new coffee shop or local deli!
Ricky Hawblitzel
CMRTA President
Helpful Resources
Visit the Helpful Links sections of the CMRTA website. There you will find links to outside agencies such as the California Massage Therapy Council, Contractors State License Board, Business and Professions Code, etc.
CMRTA Associate Members
Associate members are individuals, institutions, or organizations whose objectives or operations directly or indirectly benefit those concerned with the activities of the Association. Some examples of an Associate Member are: software companies, collection agencies, bill print companies, and much more. The associate members play a key role in CMRTA by teaching classes, offering products or services to agencies in need, and being a fantastic networking resource for all.
Listing of Associates
Dress for Success
How to dress for success at your next job interview