
Please use these resources to help find legislation that may be of interest to your agency:

CA Assembly Legislative Process

CA Senate Legislative Process

California Legislative Information

Daily updates, analyses, hearings, amendments, history actions, and much more.
Click on publications you can get to the respective houses daily files and a link to an index and table of all the bills introduced.

California State Assembly and California State Senate.
These two site will give you more information about committee hearing notices and floor action. You can also find out more about the author of the bills. If the author is one of your representatives there is a good chance their bill might be of interest to your agency or your agency might have more of a voice to make changes to the bill. This is your chance to be able to make a difference in the legislative body.

Legislation Updates

Since there are thousands of bill currently in the legislature visit our legislation updates page to see updates from our associates. There may be bills that apply to your agency or there may be bills out there that apply to your agency that are not listed. These updates are high level overview of bills that may be of interest to you our members. As always if there is anything you would like CMRTA to follow or would like us to find more information about please contact your Division 1st VP.