Helpful Resources
Visit the Helpful Links sections of the CMRTA website. There you will find links to outside agencies such as the California Massage Therapy Council, Contractors State License Board, Business and Professions Code, etc.
CMRTA Associate Members
Associate members are individuals, institutions, or organizations whose objectives or operations directly or indirectly benefit those concerned with the activities of the Association. Some examples of an Associate Member are: software companies, collection agencies, bill print companies, and much more. The associate members play a key role in CMRTA by teaching classes, offering products or services to agencies in need, and being a fantastic networking resource for all.
Listing of Associates
Business License in the News
Recovery of lodging and business license tax revenues
State Webinar Series
The 2021 Spring State Webinar Series is underway. You are still able to register to attend the next two live sessions. With your registration you also get on demand access to the ones you may have missed. Click Here to Register | Click Here for On Demand if you have already registered.