California Municipal Revenue & Tax Association
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CMRTA Division IV Meeting
Wednesday, April 06, 2022, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Category: Divisions

Step in to Spring and join your fellow municipal tax, revenue, and compliance agencies at our upcoming meeting on Wednesday, April 6 at the Morris B Vance Community Room @ City Hall in the City of Vista.

We have a great lineup of speakers including the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) on their City/County Business Tax Exchange Program and how the current status of AB 2184 impacted the program and how you can work with them to sign up for the cooperative agreement of data.

The City of San Diego’s Fire & Rescue Team will provide training on how to deal with a medical emergency in the workplace including how to use a defibrillator and other helpful life-saving tips.

Do you have questions on microenterprise home kitchens or street vendors? The San Diego County Health Department will be presenting on the latest trends, laws, and how to best tackle the issues in your local agency.

We will also have our quarterly legislative update on some important bills affecting your revenue, licensing, and taxes throughout the State.

Be sure to bring your questions for exchange of expertise, network with other tax, revenue, and enforcement colleagues and enjoy refreshments and lunch included.

Please feel free to pass this along to any other departments that may be interested.
RSVP today by clicking here

We hope to see you in Vista!

Division 4 Board